Frequently Asked Questions

Visiting a new church for the first time can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be stressful. Here are some of the more common questions people have before visiting a church for the first time:

What should I wear?

Whatever is most comfortable for you. Some of our members wear suits and ties; others wear shorts during the summer months. We don’t have a dress code, so come as you are.

Are children welcome in worship?

Absolutely! Jesus says so. Children are always welcome in worship, even if they are a little squirmy and noisy. Click here for some tips to make their (and your) worship experience richer and more enjoyable.

What is the worship service like?

We follow the ancient rhythm of Christian worship: Gathering, Word, Meal, Sending. We gather for worship, offering songs of praise to God. We hear the Word of God, speaking again the promise of grace and life for us. We celebrate Holy Communion together, sharing in the meal that Jesus gave us as a tangible sign of his eternal love and care for us. We are sent into the world to share that love with others.

Worship in the Lutheran tradition is highly participatory. (It’s not a spectator sport!) We offer our prayers and our praise together. For this reason, we print the full service in the bulletin to make fuller participation easier.

An emerging congregation with this mission: to share Christ's love with the world.